The list is arranged according to deadlines in a chronological order ( Israeli calls are listed above, following foreign calls.
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NSF-BSF Joint Program in Information and Intelligent Systems (IIS)
Beyond Celiac: Research Grants
Brain & Behavior Research Foundation: Outstanding Achievement Prizes
NSF-BSF Joint Program in Information and Intelligent Systems (IIS)
Supports three core programs: · Cyber-Human Systems (CHS); · Information Integration and Informatics (III); and · Robust Intelligence (RI). Funding: up to $80K/yr to Israeli partner ($55K/yr for theoretical computer based research). U.S. partner should contact appropriate NSF program manager to discuss the research.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Office
NSF-BSF Joint Program in Information and Intelligent Systems (IIS)
Supports three core programs: · Cyber-Human Systems (CHS); · Information Integration and Informatics (III); and · Robust Intelligence (RI). Funding: up to $80K/yr to Israeli partner ($55K/yr for theoretical computer based research). U.S. partner should contact appropriate NSF program manager to discuss the research.
MIT-Israel seed funds (MISTI): New Collaboration Grants
Zuckerman STEM Fund – All disciplines: Supports exchange between an MIT team and colleagues in IL universities. Projects should propose a balanced exchange between the MIT and IL participants and include MIT PhD students.
Lockheed Martin Seed Fund – Advanced Materials and Manufacturing: promotes the exchange between faculty and students at MIT and at IL universities. This year, special priority will be given to proposals identifying emerging innovative technologies related to Advanced Materials and Manufacturing, which includes but is not limited to:
o Additive Design
o Manufacturing Autonomy
o AI-Enabled Machining
o Manufacturing Line for Composites
o High Temperature and Speed Advanced Materials
o Composite and Polymer Structures
o Innovative Process Technologies
o Material Engineering
o Additive Manufacturing for Prototypes and Tooling
MIT-Israel Broshy Brain and Cognitive Sciences Fund: Research in brain and cognitive sciences: the mechanisms of the brain and how they give rise to the mind, in fields including cellular and molecular neuroscience, systems neuroscience, cognitive science, and computation
For all programs – Funding: $30,000, may be used to cover travel and meeting costs. Funds may not be used to cover salaries or materials.
Important information
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Israel Cancer Research Fund (ICRF): Acceleration Grants in Cancer Research (LOI)
Aim: Grant applications responding to this call must propose highly innovative approaches that have the promise of pioneering new ways of thinking about cancer biology and therapeutics.
Funding: $70,000 per year for 2 years.
Israel Electric Company (IEC): PowerUp program
חברת החשמל: תכנית PowerUp
תוכנית המאפשרת גישה למיזמים מובילים אל תוך ליבת מערכת החשמל והאנרגיה בישראל. התוכנית מעניקה “מולטי-תמיכה” על ידי מומחים עתירי ידע אשר ילוו כל מיזם, גישה למאגרי מידע, צוות מעבדות מיומן, תקציב למימון פעילות, חיבור למתקני החברה ועוד.
רשימת האתגרים (פירוט נוסף ניתן למצוא כאן):
- תכנון, שליטה, בקרה ופיתוח מערכת החשמל
- אינטגרציה של מערכות
- אופטימיזציה ויעילות
- שיפור שרות ללקוח והגדלת רמת מעורבות והשתתפות לקוחות
- שיפור תהליכי עבודה וביצועים בשיטות שונות
- שיפור הלוגיסטיקה
- כלים, אמצעים וטכנולוגיות לשיפור ממשקים בתחומים שונים
ניתן להגיש פניות בנושאים נוספים שאינם מצוינים לעיל, ובלבד שהינם קשורים, במישרין או בעקיפין, לתחומי פעילותה של חברת החשמל.
תקציב: עד 3 מיליון שקלים לתקופה של שנה אחת.
שימו לב: ההסכם המוצע על ידי חברת החשמל ייבדק על ידי המחלקה המשפטית. _.pdf
GIF – German Israeli Foundation: Nexus – Life Sciences Interfaces / Social Justice and Human Rights – Pre-proposals
Submission to Research Authority: 24.11, Final Submission to GIF: 1.12.
Nexus – GIF new flagship program replaces previous grant programs (Regular and Young Scientists). GIF now offers a single unified program to fund young, and established researchers in parallel tracks. Focal topics replace the past recurring 3-year cycles by research area. In this cycle GIF is accepting proposals in:
· Life Sciences Interfaces – it is up to the proposing investigators to determine what the interface is (e.g., Big Data, AI, physics, chemistry, engineering, computing, ethics …)
· Social Justice and Human Rights
Budget: The total annual budget for this 2021 RFP is 2M Euro.
o Collaborative track: Up to 200k Euro/year for up to 4 years (up to 800k Euro for all PIs together, for the 4-years period).
o Young track: Up to 25k Euro for the one year solo investigator.
The program implements a two-tier mechanism: Submitting a full proposal will be possible only after the approval of a pre-proposal
Pre-proposals: Seven pages in total to include: Cover page, abstract, brief bios, publications list, project description and budget.
24.11.21 – Pre proposal submission to the Research Authority
01.12.21 – Pre-proposal submission to GIF
31.12.21 – Decisions on full proposal eligibility
14.03.22 – Submission of the full proposals
09.22 – Notification of new grants; Jan, 2023 – Starting date for grants.
MOST-DKFZ: German-Israeli Cooperation in Cancer Research – Pre-Proposals
(Research authority deadline: 5.8; MOST deadline: 12.8)
Collaborative projects with partners from the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), all topics related to cancer research, except for clinical trials.
Updated information on the DKFZ, can be found at:
For eligible partners from DKFZ:
Funding: € 43K / yr for 3 years (for the Israeli side). 6 joint projects will be funded.
Please contact research authority if planning to submit (overhead).
ISF – MAPATS / Workshops / New-Faculty Equipment / Mid-Career Equipment
Registration (MANDATORY) by – 22.11; Proposal submission by 1.12
New-Faculty Equipment:
Mid-Career Equipment:
Israel Cancer Association (ICA): Research Grants
Supports established institutes or centers in mathematics, theoretical physics and theoretical computer science to help strengthen contacts within the international scientific community. Funding: $200K / year for up to 3 years. Nonprofit
ISF-JSPS: Israel-Japan Joint Research Program – Social & Humanities
(ISF pre-registration by Aug. 5, ISF deadline Aug. 12)
Aim: to encourage research cooperation between Japanese and Israeli scientists. Eligible: investigators with active ISF grants with at least 2 years remaining. Funding: NIS 38K over 2 years (No Overhead).
BSF Research Grant – (Regular Program) Exact and Social Sciences
Israel-U.S. joint research projects.
Submission to Research Authority: by Nov. 28, Final Submission by all authorities to BSF: By Dec.4..
The French Embassy: The “Chateaubriand” Fellowships Program
For Israeli PhD students and young scientists, willing to conduct research in France. Research will be performed in a French University or a French Public Research Center (formal and detailed invitation letter is mandatory before applying).
Eligible fields of research include: Exact Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities (medical and specialization internships in French hospitals and clinics are not included in this program).
List 1
11.12 | Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research (FFAR)Efficient Fertilizer Consortium: Agronomic and Environmental Impact of Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizers Across the Globe (Pre-proposals)
The EFC will consider applications for field trials to evaluate the agronomic performance and
environmental impact of EEFs across a range of geographic locations, cropping systems,
climates, and soil types. Applications must address one or more of the following:
- The impact of stacking EEF(s) with field management (e.g. tillage, cover crops, tile
drainage) and 4R Nutrient Stewardship (4RNS) practices (right source, right rate,
right time, and right placement of fertilizer in nutrient management; Fixen, 2020) to
enhance understanding of how EEFs perform in a range of conditions and in crop
rotations to better support producer decision making.
- Nutrient carryover effects from EEFs and crop rotations that include legumes.
- Identification of EEFs that work best to support crop nutrition, yield and nutrient use
efficiency in specific climates, soils and cropping systems. This could include
evaluating EEFs across various climate, cropping, or soil conditions.
- Agronomic and environmental tradeoffs resulting from the implementation of EEFs
and other management and 4RNS practices.
Funding: up to USD$1,000,000 are available for all proposed projects for 2-5 years.
12.12 | Ministry of Health: develop tools for assessing the Arabic language of children aged 3-6 years (mother tongue)
המחלקה להתפתחות הילד ושיקומו, היחידה הארצית לקלינאות תקשורת, האגף לתכנון אסטרטגי וכלכלי ולשכת המדען הראשי במשרד הבריאות: מחקרים לפיתוח כלים להערכת השפה הערבית של ילדים בגיל 6-3 שנים (שפת אם(
הקול הקורא הנוכחי, יתמוך במחקרים שמטרתם לקבוע נורמות ולפתח כלים עבור קלינאי תקשורת להערכת שפה בערבית כשפת אם בילדים בגיל 3-6 שנים, שיאפשרו איתור, אבחון, ואפיון יכולות של הילדים בשפתם המדוברת, תוך התייחסות לדיאלקטים השונים.
תינתן עדיפות למחקרים שיעסקו בשירותים המפותחים למטרת:
- נורמות התפתחות שפה טיפוסית של הילדים בדיאלקטים השונים, בתחומי השפה השונים.
- כלים לאיתור מוקדם של ילדים עם קשיים בתחומי השפה השונים.
- שיפור וייעול תהליכי איתור והתערבות.
- חדשנות ושילוב טכנולוגיות דיגיטליות.
תינתן עדיפות למחקרים עם אישור הלסינקי בתוקף במעמד ההגשה של הבקשה, ככל שנדרש אישור כזה.
מימון: סכום כולל של עד 1,200,000 ₪ למימוש של עד שנתיים.
17.12 | MIF’AL HAPAIS: Landau Prize for Arts and Sciences 2025
מפעל הפיס: פרס לנדאו לאמנויות ולמדעים ע”ש לנדאו 2025
פרס המחבר בין אמנות ומדעים מוענק לנשים ואנשים, מדענים ואמנים מצטיינים, שהטביעו חותם ותרמו תרומה משמעותית לקידום האמנות והמדע. התחומים השנה:
- אדריכלות
- חקר מדעי השיקום
- קרקס – יצירה
- כלכלה חקלאית וביטחון תזונתי
- קולנוע – הפקה
- משפט בינלאומי
- מוזיקה קלאסית עכשווית מן המזרח ומן המערב – הלחנה
- חקר רפואה דחופה
- פרס מיוחד על רקע המלחמה לארגוני החברה האזרחית – הפרס מיועד לארגונים חברתיים הפועלים ללא מטרות רווח, אשר תרמו תרומה משמעותית לחוסנה, לכידותה, מעורבותה וערבות ההדדית של החברה הישראלית בעת המלחמה והגיעו להישגים בולטים וראויים לציון בעשייתם.
תקציב: 150 אלף ₪. Call_Landau Prize.jpg
18.12 | The French Embassy: The “Chateaubriand” Fellowships Program
For Israeli PhD students and young scientists, willing to conduct research in France. Research will be performed in a French University or a French Public Research Center (formal and detailed invitation letter is mandatory before applying).
Eligible fields of research include: Exact Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities (medical and specialization internships in French hospitals and clinics are not included in this program).
Funding: a monthly stipend of 1,704 to 2,055 EUR for 4 to 6 months during 2025. FOR APPLICATIONS_Chateaubriand 2025.pdf
26.12 | PAZY Foundation: Collaboration with Defense Research Institutions, in Physics, Chemistry, Chemical Eng., Materials Science & Eng. (Mechanical, Electrical, Aeronautics, Computer), Applied Math, Computer Science – Pre-proposal
קרן פזי: שת”פ עם חוקרים מגופי מחקר בטחוני בפיסיקה, כימיה, הנדסה כימית, מדע החומרים והנדסה (מכונות, חשמל, תוכנה ומחשב, אוירונאוטיקה) מתמטיקה שימושית ומדעי מחשב– קדם הצעה
קרן פזי (המשותפת לוועדה לאנרגיה אטומית (וא”א) ולות”ת) תומכת בשיתופי פעולה בין חוקרים מהאקדמיה לחוקרים במרכזי וא”א או גופי מחקר בטחוני בתחומים בעלי עניין לוא”א.
מענקי מחקר: מימון עד 350,000 ₪ לשנה, לתקופה של עד 4 שנים. הצעה המצרפת חוקר נוסף מהאקדמיה (תחת סייגים- ראו בקול קורא) תוכל לקבל מענק מחקר מוגדל (100,000 ₪ נוספים).
מענק חוקרים צעירים: עד 700,000 ₪ לשנה, עד 4 שנים. צעיר נמצא באקדמיה לכל היותר 3 שנים בהגשת ההצעה, עד 2 מענקים לצעירים.
מענקי ציוד: מיועדות רק למקבלי מענקי מחקר מקרן פזי או למגישי הצעות חדשות. מימון: עד 5 מיליון ₪. נדרשת השתתפות מוסדית בשעור 50%. יש לברר עם רשות המחקר בטרם ההגשה
>> איתור חוקר שותף: ניתן לפנות עם פירוט קצר של תחום המחקר לכתובת:
3.1 | Ministry of Health: Research in the field of urogynecology
משרד הבריאות: מחקרים בתחום האורו-גניקולוגיה ובהם צניחת איברי האגן ו/או דליפת שתן אצל נשים
תינתן עדיפות לבקשות שהוגשו מטעם קרנות למחקרים רפואיים שליד בתי חולים שישתפו פעולה עם חוקרים ממוסדות להשכלה גבוהה, וכן תינתן עדיפות למחקרים המדגימים שיתופי פעולה בין מרכזים רפואיים.
תתאפשר השתתפות התעשייה במחקרים הממומנים, אולם הקרן לא תממן חברות מהתעשייה.
מימון: 300-400 אלף ₪ למענק יחיד.
6.1 | Israel Cancer Research Fund (ICRF) – Funding Opportunities
Project grants: Intended to support the research of established investigators. Funding: $180K over 3 years.
Research Career Development Awards (RCDA): To enhance the research capabilities of young scientists, with at least 3 years of postdoctoral fellowship and within 5 years of their 1st academic appointment. Funding: $135K over 3 years.
Clinical Research Career Development Awards (CRCDA): To enhance the clinical research capabilities of young scientists. Funding: $135K over 3 years.
Research Professorships Grants: Designed to provide flexible funding to a senior researcher who has already made outstanding contributions to basic, translational, or clinical cancer research. Funding: $500K over 5 years.
9.1 | Maccabi Healthcare Services Research and Innovation Center (KSM)
מכון מחקר וחדשנות קאהן-סגול-מכבי KSM
מחקרי נתונים תצפיתיים רטרוספקטיביים בתחומים הבאים:
- מולטי-אומיקס ומחלות כרוניות
- מחלות יתום ומחלות נדירות
- שינוי האקלים והשפעתו על בריאות האדם
- פתולוגיה דיגיטלית
- מדיניות בריאות במצבי חירום
- בריאות האישה
- מחלות נוירודגנרטיביות
- כל מחקר רפואי חדשני יישקל
מימון: עד 100 אלף ₪ ל- 3 שנים.
15.1 | USAID: MERC (Middle East Regional Cooperation Program) – Pre-proposals
Collaborative, scientific research projects on development topics between Israel and partners across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. MERC considers joint proposals across the natural, physical, and social sciences and engineering. Emphasis is given to research and technology subjects of regional importance.
Subject to change based on U.S. federal law and country-specific restrictions on funding, those countries include: Algeria, Bahrain, Kuwait, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan,Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, and the West Bank and Gaza.
Special Call: Proposals Supporting MENA Region Food Security
This special call seeks concepts that address food security research needs specific to the MENA region. In the MENA region, conflict and political uncertainty exacerbates food security challenges posed by extreme heat, floods, droughts, desertification, plant and animal pathogens, and other pressures. This special call for proposals encourages submission of concepts that seek to advance agricultural productivity and mitigate
against risks to food security in the MENA region. When conceptualizing proposals, applicants should consider the four major pillars of food security as defined by the Global Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition: availability, access, utilization, and stability. For detailed information, please enter the call document: MERC NOFO 2025.pdf
Applied Research Grants: up to $1,000,000 for 2-5 years.
Continuation Grants: $500,000 for 1 to 3 years
Travel and Workshop Grants: ~ $100,000 for one activity, event, or exchange to be completed within one year of the award.
MERC Funding Process | Middle East Regional Cooperation | U.S. Agency for International Development
17.1.25 | The Mediterranean Sea Research Center of Israel (MERCI): Support sailing days and use of marine research equipment
המרכז הישראלי לחקר הים התיכון: תמיכת ות”ת בימי שיט ושימוש בציוד מחקר ימי
מטרת תכנית זאת הינה להעניק לחוקרים במוסדות הישראליים מקור מימון ייעודי לימי שיט ולשימוש בציוד מחקר ימי (מעבר למענק המחקר). תכנית זאת מיועדת לקדם את עבודת המחקר הימי הישראלי על ידי מתן תמיכה לפעילות מחקרית ימית הכוללת הפלגות מחקר ושימוש בתשתיות טכנולוגיות/ניסוייות ימיות יקרות באמצעות סבסוד עלויות השימוש בציוד המרכז ובתשתיות ימיות אחרות הקיימות בישראל.
בכדי לעודד איגום ימי ים ושימוש בתשתיות כבדות, תינתן עדיפות להגשות משותפות של בקשות מימון ע”י מספר חוקרים ובעדיפות לחוקרים ממוסדות שונים, שלפחות אחד מהם זכה בקרן תחרותית.
מימון: הסכום הכולל של 1.84 מיליון ₪ יחולק בין מספר זכיות. דרוש מימון משלים (matching) של 20%.
ללא תקורה. call.pdf
28.1 | Era-Net (MOH): ERA4Health: Fostering Pragmatic Comparative-Effectiveness Trials in Non-communicable Diseases” (EffecTrial) (Pre-proposals)
The aims of the call are:
– to support randomised, interventional and pragmatic comparative-effectiveness multicountry Investigator-Initiated Clinical Studies (IICS). – to encourage and enable transnational collaboration between clinical/public health research teams (from hospital/ public health, healthcare settings and other healthcare organisations) that conduct comparative-effectiveness multi-country IICS. Proposals should address all the 4 following points:
1) Be a pragmatic comparative effectiveness trials, designed as randomised interventional trials.
2) Compare the use of currently approved healthcare interventions either to each other or to the current standard of care.
3) They shall consider healthcare interventions which could include but would not be limited to: diagnostic, screening, prevention and treatment interventions. The interventions can be pharmacological as well as non-pharmacological procedures like nutrition and/or lifestyle interventions, surgery, prognosis methods, use of medical devices, eHealth and digital interventions and other health interventions.
4) These interventionsshall have high public relevance only in the fields of these specific diseases or conditions (that are of equal importance): o Cardiovascular diseases o Metabolic disorders o Nutrition and lifestyle-related diseases o Non-communicable respiratory diseases
Funding for the Israeli partner: €160,000 over 4 years.
* A short abstract and budget should be sent to the ministry of Health (MOH) prior to pre-proposal submission. Call us for clarifications and MOH abstract forms (tel. 2152, 1272).
30.1 | Era-Net (MOH): THCS – Transforming Health and Care system – Better care closer to home: Enhancing primary and community care (Pre-proposals)
The consortium must include at least three (3) eligible partners from three different countries whose funding organisations participate in the call. At least two (2) members of the consortium should be legal entities from two different EU Member States or Horizon Europe associated countries.
The aim of this call is to fund research and innovation projects that, within an ecosystem approach, strengthen the primary and community health and care systems, and provide policy and decision makers with the necessary knowledge and tools to govern the transitions that are needed in the primary and community care sector. Projects funded under this call will deliver promising financial, organisational and practise-based service innovations that promote the transformation of the health and care system and contribute to faster exchange of best practices across different countries and regions.
Proposals are expected to address one of two sub-topics:
Sub-topic 1: Strengthening the primary and community health and care system
Sub-topic 2: Systemic approaches to modernising the primary and community care sector
.Funding for the Israeli partner: €140,000 over 3 years.
* A short abstract and budget should be sent to the ministry of Health (MOH) prior to pre-proposal submission. Call us for clarifications and MOH abstract forms (tel. 2152, 1272).
2.2 | Ministry of Health (MOH) and Israel Dairy Board: The Effect of Milk on Human Health
משרד הבריאות ומועצת החלב: השפעת החלב על בריאות האדם
מחקרים אודות השפעת החלב על בריאות האדם. תינתן העדפה למחקר קליני על פני מחקר העוסק בטכנולוגית מזון. תקציב: עד 150 אלף ₪ לכל מחקר לתקופה של שנתיים. בשנת 2025 תממן הקרן עד שני מחקרים העוסקים בחלב והשפעתו על בריאות האדם. תינתן העדפה למחקר קליני העוסק בחלב על פני מחקר העוסק בטכנולוגית מזון.
3.2 | GIF (German Israeli Foundation): STEM: Quantum Computing / The Future of Democracy and Social Inequities – Pre-proposals
Submission to Research Authority: January. 27, Submission to GIF: Feb. 3
1.STEM: “Quantum Computing” (pure and applied mathematics as well as computer science and theoretical physics). To advance the foundations of quantum computing and quantum information sciences. Proposals should clearly articulate how the research will deepen the mathematical and computational understanding of quantum systems, contribute to fundamental knowledge, or explore new computational paradigms.
- Social Sciences and Humanities: “The Future of Democracy and Social Inequities”(in particular in the fields of Sociology, Political Science, Philosophy, History and other field of Humanities).
GIF is looking for proposals that analyze the relationship between (different kinds of) inequity and democracy, social movements (and their demographic characteristics) referring to these issues, the processes as well as the public discourses and images related to them.
Funding tracks:
* Collaborative track (at least 1 PI from both Israel and Germany): Up to €300K over 2 years (in total for all partners).
* Solo track for young investigators (up to 8 years after PhD): Up to €25K for one year
Timetable: 1.4 – notifications on pre-proposal decisions; 15.6 – full proposal submissions; 12/25 – decision notification; 1.2.26 – starting date.
Gif / Programs – Nexus – Applicants – Gif
13.2.25 | Era-Net (MOH): European Rare Diseases Research Alliance (ERDERA)- Pre-clinical therapy studies for rare diseases using small molecules and biologicals – development and validation (Pre-proposals)
The program supports consortia of minimum 4 partners eligible for funding (see in the call) from 4 different countries.
Topics List :
Research studies on therapies using small molecules, small non-coding chemically synthesized nucleic acid-based therapies, repurposed drugs or biologicals (e.g., antibodies or proteins such as enzymes, immune modulators or growth factors etc.). Proposals must cover at least one of the following areas: 1. development of novel therapies in a preclinical setting through cell, organoid and animal model studies, molecule screening or use of in silico or artificial intelligence models 2. development of predictive and pharmacodynamics biomarkers correlated to the efficiency of the therapy in a preclinical setting that could serve as surrogate endpoints 3. replication of pre-clinical studies in an independent lab to increase validity of exploratory findings 4. pre-clinical proof of concept studies for evidence of pharmacological activity in vitro and in vivo, pharmaco-kinetics and pharmaco-dynamics of the drug and first toxicology and safety data 5. studies to support readiness for initiating clinical trial authorization conforming to regulatory requirements Translatability into humans should be the key focus of the project, and applicants should demonstrate access to relevant scientific or regulatory expertise (e.g., through innovation task forces or competent national authorities). Funding for the Israeli partner: €140,000 over 3 years. (€160K for coordinator)
* A short abstract and budget should be sent to the ministry of Health (MOH) prior to pre-proposal submission. Call us for clarifications and MOH abstract forms (tel. 2152, 1272).
March 2025 | Era-Net (MOH) and Neuron: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Neuroscience of Pain – Preliminary Announcement
To facilitate multinational, collaborative research projects that will address critical translational and clinical questions using interdisciplinary approaches to improve the knowledge about the neuroscience of pain, bearing the potential to improve the lives of the people affected.
Minimum 3 partners eligible for funding from 3 different countries. Up to 5 partners in total.
3.3 | Rosetrees Trust: Interdisciplinary Award in Exploring the mechanisms of environmental impacts on public and human health (Preliminary submission)
RA mandatory submission (to: 1.2.24 (1 page); Final submission by 3.3
The 2025 Rosetrees Interdisciplinary Award aims to support cutting-edge research investigating environmental impacts on public and human health. We are looking for proposals that investigate how factors such as air pollution, climate change, and exposure to environmental toxins, carcinogens and microplastics affect health from birth to adulthood.
Research must be interdisciplinary and could involve collaborations between clinicians/clinician scientists, surgeons/surgical scientists, discovery scientists, and environmental/ toxicology/ epidemiology and public health experts, focusing on understanding the underlying disease causative mechanisms and developing novel strategies for prevention,
mitigation, and interventionFunding: £330K over 3 years. (No overhead)
Please note: Each institute can submit on proposal. The office of the Executive Vice President for Research (MANLAM) will conduct an internal review to determine the one, therefore we request one page abstract by 1.2.
2.4.25 | BSF: Climate Solutions in Memory of Prof. Anton Post (preproposals)
Submission to Research Authority: by March 30, Final Submission by all authorities to BSF: By April 2
Aim: cross-disciplinary proposals that advance climate solutions’ conceptualization, development and/or implementation. The new initiative focuses on how aspects of climate related processes can be offset by novel technologies, regulations, policy etc. Preproposals that do not describe collaboration across at least two major disciplines will be returned without review.
This call for preproposals is inclusive of all programs that are eligible for BSF funding and does not invite studies that address topics of agricultural interest.
Funding: maximum of $150K per project per year (up to $600,000 per project).
NSF-BSF programs:
Israeli researchers can join research proposals submitted by US PI(s) to the NSF, in the programs listed below. Two applications per calendar year (Oct 1 – Sept 30) are permitted.
The Israeli budget is funded by the BSF as follows: up to $95K/yr for experimental studies and $75K/yr for theoretical and computer-based studies.
Pay attention to the application deadlines. While many programs are open all year long, some still have specific time limits.
Details on all NSF-BSF programs:
- Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences – Various Dates
- Sociology – Open All Year
- Molecular and Cellular Biosciences (MCB) – Open All Year
- Integrative and Organismal Systems (IOS) – Open All Year
- Environmental Biology (DEB-Core) – Open All Year
- Biological Infrastructure (DBI) – Open All Year
- Computing and Communication Foundations (CCF) – Open All Year
- Computer Networks and Systems (CNS) – Open All Year
- Information and Intelligence Systems (IIS) – Open All Year
- Cyber Security and Privacy – Open All Year – In any case, Israeli PIs will consult with Ms. Yael Dressler in the BSF office ( regarding their project description and budget request before advancing the preparation and submission of their proposal.
- Foundational Research in Robotics – Open All Year
- Computational and Data-enabled Science and Engineering (CDS&E) – Open All Year
- Chemistry (CHE) – Various Dates
- Materials (DMR) – Open All Year
- Mathematics – Various Dates
- Mathematical and Scientific Foundations of Deep Learning – Various Dates
- Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future (DMREF) – Feb 04, 2025
- Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems (ECCS) – Open All Year
- Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental and Transport Systems (CBET) – Open All Year
- Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) – Open All Year
- Earth Sciences (GEO) – Open All Year
- Atmospheric and Geospace Sci. – Open All Year
- Marine Oceanography – Open All Year
- EAGER (Early-Concept Grants for Exploratory Research) – Open All Year
MOST: Applied research 2025 (Pre-Applications)
הגשה לרשות המחקר: 12.2 | הגשה למשרד המדע: 19.2
o פולימרים פונקציונליים לשימוש באלקטרוניקה ואופטיקה.
o סגסוגות של מתכות, חומרים קרמיים וזכוכית לשימושים תעשייתיים (לא כולל תאים סולריים ומתקני אנרגיה(.
בריאות ורפואה
o שיקום פיזי – טכנולוגיות מתקדמות לשיפור הליך השיקום, האצת החלמה, והגברת היכולת הפיזית של המטופלים לאחר פציעות, מחלות או ניתוחים (שיקום פיזי ולא נפשי).
o הזדקנות בריאה– אביזרים רפואיים, אלגוריתמים וטכניקות חישוב ומדידה, סנסורים. יודגש כי קול קורא זה אינו כולל מחקר בסיסי וחקר מנגנונים או זיהוי ראשוני של מחלות.
ניסויים קליניים ראשוניים אקדמיים למוצרים שעדיין לא מוסחרו.
o טכנולוגיות לטיפול בבריאות הנפש, כולל פתוח תרופות ותכשירים.
ביוקונברג’נס (Bioconvergence)
מחקר בינתחומי המשלב ביולוגיה עם טכנולוגיות מתקדמות אחרות כמו הנדסה, מדע נתונים, מדע החומרים ופיזיקה.
o תרנוסטיקה – מערכת אחת המשלבת אבחון רפואי )דיאגנוסטיקה( וטיפול רפואי )תרפיה(.
o סנסורים ליישומים סביבתיים בלבד.
הנדסה וטכנולוגיות מתקדמות
o טכנולוגיות פורנזיות לשימוש אזרחי ולזיהוי פלילי וזיהוי חללים.
o טכנולוגיות לקביעת אותנטיות )מקוריות( של מדיה דיגיטלית )סרטונים, מסמכי טקסט, והקלטות(.
חלל אזרחי )סוכנות החלל)
o פיתוח שיטות חדשניות של שימוש במידע מלוויינים לחקר תופעות אטמוספריות ואקלימיות.
מחקרים פורצי דרך בבינה מלאכותית (לא כולל יישומים של בינה מלאכותית או רגולציה)
o גישות חדשות באלגוריתמיקה של בינה מלאכותית.
o AI Safe- מחקרים שעניינם הגברת המהימנות, עמידות לתקיפות ומניפולציות, צמצום הטיות וניצול לרעה של בינה מלאכותית.
* בכל תחומי ונושאי קול קורא זה, על המחקרים להיות מקוריים ובעלי התכנות יישומית.
תקציב: עד 500 אלף ₪ ל-3 שנים (לא פחות משנתיים במימון של עד 333,333 ₪).
* חוקר יכול להיות “חוקר ראשי” במענק אחד ו”חוקר משני” במענק נוסף מהמחקרים הלאומיים של משרד המדע. אנא צרו עמנו קשר לבירור זכאות.
קרן המחקרים של משרד המדע קול קורא להגשת קדם-הצעות מחקר לשנת 2025 משרד החדשנות, המדע והטכנולוגיה
Era-Net (MOH): European Rare Diseases Research Alliance (ERDERA)- Pre-clinical therapy studies for rare diseases using small molecules and biologicals – development and validation (Pre-proposals)
The program supports consortia of minimum 4 partners eligible for funding (see in the call) from 4 different countries.
Topics List :
Research studies on therapies using small molecules, small non-coding chemically synthesized nucleic acid-based therapies, repurposed drugs or biologicals (e.g., antibodies or proteins such as enzymes, immune modulators or growth factors etc.). Proposals must cover at least one of the following areas: 1. development of novel therapies in a preclinical setting through cell, organoid and animal model studies, molecule screening or use of in silico or artificial intelligence models 2. development of predictive and pharmacodynamics biomarkers correlated to the efficiency of the therapy in a preclinical setting that could serve as surrogate endpoints 3. replication of pre-clinical studies in an independent lab to increase validity of exploratory findings 4. pre-clinical proof of concept studies for evidence of pharmacological activity in vitro and in vivo, pharmaco-kinetics and pharmaco-dynamics of the drug and first toxicology and safety data 5. studies to support readiness for initiating clinical trial authorization conforming to regulatory requirements Translatability into humans should be the key focus of the project, and applicants should demonstrate access to relevant scientific or regulatory expertise (e.g., through innovation task forces or competent national authorities). Funding for the Israeli partner: €140,000 over 3 years. (€160K for coordinator)
* A short abstract and budget should be sent to the ministry of Health (MOH) prior to pre-proposal submission. Call us for clarifications and MOH abstract forms (tel. 2152, 1272).
Ministry of Defense / MAFA’T / Biological Engineering: Advanced Biology
6.2– הגשה לרשות המחקר, 15.2 – הגשה למפא”ת
מחקרים וגישות ליישומים המשלבים טכנולוגיות מדעי החיים, תוך הזדמנות לשילוב תחומים נוספים כגון חישוביות, הנדסה, פיזיקה וחומרי:
כיווני מחקר מרכזיים בתחום הביולוגיה המתקדמת:
- ביו-חומרים (Bio-Materials)
- ביו-ייצור (Bio-Manufacturing)
- ביולוגיה סינטטית (Synthetic Biology)
- ביולוגיה חישובית (Computational Biology)
- ביו-התקנים (Bio-Devices)
- ביו-פיזיקה (Quantum Biology)
תינתן עדיפות למחקרים הכוללים ניסוי והדגמה, מאשר לסקרי ספרות, סימולציות ממוחשבות ומחקרי בחינת ביצועים .יינתן יתרון להצעות מחקר אשר עונות על אחד או יותר מהקריטריונים הבאים:
- מחקר המרחיב את הידע המדעי/ תשתיתי.
- מחקר בעל ישימות גבוהה ובפרט, בטווח הזמן הקצר.
- מחקר הכולל שיתוף פעולה בין חוקרים בארץ ו/או בעולם.
National Institute for Psychobiology in Israel – NIPI: Young Investigator Research Grants
במטרה לתרום למיגור הפער במחקר מנגנוני מחלות מוחיות, מקדם המכון העלאת רמת המחקר הבסיסי, הקדם-יישומי, והיישומי ובמיקוד של חוקרים בסיסיים בנושאים בעלי השלכה קלינית. המכון תומך במגוון נושאים נרחב החל מתחום המחקר הבסיסי, מהתא הבודד ועד לאורגניזם בשלמותו, ממחקרי מעבדה ועד לסקרים וניסויים קליניים, תוך מיקוד במחקר הרלוונטי ל- Brain Disorders הכוללים את מכלול ההפרעות הפסיכיאטריות והנוירולוגיות.
* מענקי מחקר לחוקרים צעירים בעלי 3 שנות ותק כמרצה בכיר.
משך המחקר: שנה עד שנתיים.
Era-Net (MOH): EP PerMed – Pharmacogenomic Strategies for Personalized Medicine (Pre-proposals)
The overall objectives of the JTC2025 will be to
- Support research projects in human health on pharmacogenomic strategies for personalised medicine approaches that address one or more of the following aspects:
o identification of new pharmacogenomic markers or signatures using (multi)-omics data in relation to drug or drug combination.
o validation of a pharmacogenomic marker or signatures using (multi)-omics data in predicting drug or drug combination outcomes.
o use pharmaco-omics strategies to determine the right dosage, the efficacy of treatments and/or the risk of adverse drug response and non-response to treatment to tailor personalised treatment pathways, including combined treatments (multi-medication).
- Encourage and enable interdisciplinary collaborations, i.e. multi-actor research by engaging a range of other relevant disciplines such as pre-clinical and clinical research, bioinformatics/health informatics/data research, ELSA research, implementation research or health economics research connected to the proposed research topic, including end-user perspective analysis to support the implementation of the research outcomes into clinical practice.
- Encourage cross-sectorial collaborations, by including the private sector (e.g. SMEs, small and medium-sized enterprises), industry, as well as regulatory/HTA agencies and patient organisations.
- Establish participatory research, i.e. active representation of patients or citizens as part of research projects.
Funding for the Israeli partner: €140,000 over 3 years.
* A short abstract and budget should be sent to the ministry of Health (MOH) prior to pre-proposal submission. Call us for clarifications and MOH abstract forms (tel. 2152, 1272).
Instruct-ERIC Research Infrastructure Access
Description: Instruct-ERIC provides funding to support access to structural biology research infrastructures. The program covers the costs of infrastructure use, travel, accommodation, and consumables.
Benefits: Comprehensive support for conducting research in structural biology, including access to advanced facilities and expert assistance.
Success Rate: Applications have a high success rate of 70-80%.
Target Audience: Researchers in the field of structural biology seeking to utilize advanced infrastructure for their projects.
If planning to submit, please update the RA
M.J. Fox Parkinson Foundation: Safra Fellowship in Movement Disorders
To grow the global base of movement disorder specialists — neurologists with additional training in Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders — by training movement disorder clinician-researchers who can provide expert care and lead scientific advances.
Funding: $180,000 for 2 years.
The Defense and Security Accelerator (DASA): Catch the ChemBio SCENT! Screening, Collecting and Exploiting Novel Technologies
The competition seeks proposals that can address challenges associated with screening for, the preservation of sample/evidence, and the attribution of hazardous chemical and biological (ChemBio) materials.
Funding: £100k for 12 months.
Important information
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DOD-CDMRP: Kidney Cancer Research Program (KCRP)– LOI
Academy of Kidney Cancer Investigators – Early-Career Investigator Award: $725,000 for 4 years.
Clinical Research Nurse Development Award: up to $300,000 for 2 years.
Clinical Trial Award: $2,000,000 for 4 years.
Nature Awards: Eppendorf Award for Young European Investigators
Granted annually to one early career scientist in Europe not older than 35 years at the time of entry. It acknowledges outstanding contributions to biomedical research in Europe based on methods of molecular biology, including novel analytical concepts.
Sarcoma Foundation of America: 2025 Request forr Proposals
Pre-clinical, translational, and clinical research on the etiology, molecular biology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of human sarcomas. The goal of the SFA grant program is to encourage research that results in improved therapeutic options for sarcoma patients. The SFA encourages applications in ALL areas of sarcoma research. For 2025, dedicated funding is available in, but not limited to leiomyosarcoma.
Funding: $75,000 for one year.
Important information
new information
Nature Awards: abcdffff
Leukemia Research Foundation (LRF): New Investigator Research Projects (LOI)
Research projects that will have an impact on leukemia. MDS (Myelodysplastic syndrome) proposals will also be accepted.
New investigators are considered to be within 7 years of their first independent faculty-level position when the grant would be awarded. Applicants with any active single grant (or multiple grants added together) that total $175K or greater in total direct costs per year are not eligible.
Funding: $150K over two years. No overhead.
The UK Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA): Themed Competition- Microbial Forensics Capability
The following research areas are of particular interest for this competition:
- Computational tools that improve the opportunity to detect anomalies in genome sequencing data, including evidence of biological engineering.
- Technologies that allow the identification and/or computational analysis of other omic signatures for novel Microbial Forensic capabilities.
Funding: up to £250,000.
DARPA\Microsystems Technology Office (MTO): Robust Quantum Sensors (RoQS) Abstracts
Proposed research should investigate approaches that enable revolutionary advances in science, devices, or systems. Specifically excluded is research that primarily results in evolutionary improvements to the existing state of practice.
Robust Quantum Sensors (RoQS) seeks to bring quantum sensors to Department of Defense (DoD) platforms. While quantum sensors have demonstrated exceptional laboratory performance in several modalities, their performance degrades once the sensor is placed on platforms. RoQS seeks innovative physics approaches that mitigate this degradation. RoQS aims to develop and demonstrate quantum sensors that inherently resist performance degradation from platform interferers, with demonstration of the sensors on a government-provided platform.
RoQS aims to transition quantum sensors onto DoD platforms with associated Programs of Record (PoRs) fulfilling outstanding Requirements . RoQS also seeks to engage with platform makers within industry to identify DoD systems for quantum sensor integration and, ultimately, transition the sensors to those platforms.